Shelby samplers
Shelby tube samplers are thin-walled, hollow steel tubes, which are driven into the ground to extract a relatively undisturbed soil sample for use in laboratory test used to determine density, permeabitily, compressibility and strength.
Each tube has one end that is chamfered to form cutting edge and the upper end includes holes for securing the tube to a drive head.
The Shelby sampler is de simplest and probably the most used quality “in-situ” sampler for taking samples in soft and firm cohesive soils.
The tube is fixed en the drive head through four screws and lays over a machoned edge on the head, guaranteeing this way a uniform application of the strength in the tube.
The thin wall samplers are supplied complete with Ball valve and O-ring that guarantee the vacuum control.
The sampler is supplied with a normalized length of 600 mm, other lenghts under request.